30 March 2007

The Bond and Vaishi Fundraising - Final Decision

Here is the final word from Kunal! Well done Waa...you showed more energy and initiative on this than you did during your entire tenure at Doon! ;-)

Hey Guys,

The day has finally arrived when you get to make good on your pledges.

First, let me provide a brief update of all the developments that have taken place in recent days. I have contacted the DSOBS to let them know that we are collecting funds for Bond/Vaishi. The DSOBS plans to hand over the funds when the old boys play school at cricket in mid-April which is the time I was planning to go to school and would have handed over the funds from our side. Due to multiple reasons it makes sense for us to go via DSOBS with the biggest one being that funds collected by DSOBS and given to Bond/Vaishi will not attract any tax whereas if we were to give funds separately then they would have to pay tax on it.

We have about a week to get the funds to the DSOBS.

Although checks can be sent directly to DSOBS I suggest that they be sent to me and I will hand them in as a bundle to Nalin Khanna/DSOBS. This would allow us to keep track of the contributions that come in.

The checks for the amount Rs. 5,000 should be made in favour of
THE DOON SCHOOL OLD BOYS SOCIETY. Please write SHEEL VOHRA CUP on the reverse side.

Send the checks to me at the following address:
Kunal Sharma
B - 125, Okhla Industrial Area Phase - I
New Delhi - 110020

Also, after you have sent your check please send me a mail with your check number so that I look out for it.

For those of you in the US you have the option to wire transfer the money directly to DSOBS. You will have to follow this up with an email, preferably with a copy of your bank receipt showing that your bank has made the
remittance to India as this would help DSOBS follow up with their bank to ensure early remittance.

Details are listed below:

Please remit the funds for credit of
Syndicate Bank, Mumbai Office
A/C No. 36059901
Swift No. CITIUS with

for credit of
Savings Bank A/C No. 9017 201 00 66655
M/S Doon School Old Boys’ Society with Syndicate Bank
4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg , I. P. Estate
New Delhi – 110 002


Please remit the funds for credit of
Syndicate Bank, Mumbai Office
A/C No. 000033553
Swift No. MRMDUS33 with
NEW YORK, NY 10005-1180

for credit of
Savings Bank A/C No. 9017 201 00 66655
M/s. Doon School Old Boys’ Society with Syndicate Bank
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, I. P. Estate,
New Delhi – 110 002

Given that we are short on time I am willing to write out a check at this end on behalf of all the guys in the US and in turn have Toad collect the money from you guys -- Honour Code will be applicable! I will send out a
separate mail to you guys in this regard.

If anyone has any concerns or would like to do things differently then please air your views at this time. Also, for those in India, if for any reason (traveling/lost check book/etc.) you are unable to send out a check
in the next couple of days but would like to contribute then please get in touch and we can work something out (my cell no. is 9811333872).

Hope to receive your checks soon and please follow up with an email to let me know that the check is on its way. Also send me you house and number -- Bond may still remember it, but I don't!


27 March 2007

Update from Apu

Here's an update from Apu:

"I am presently running my own law firm in Mumbai in the name and style of Universal Legal. One of my books is also under publication entitled "Know Your Property Transaction Rights".

Hope to catch up with all you guys whenever you are in Mumbai.


Apurva Agarwal
Bandra (W)

Update from Gairola

Hey Guys,

Here is an update from Gairola...you can check his blog out here: www.Mansari.com

I got engaged!!!

On January 5th, 2007 I got engaged to a phenomenally wonderful girl - Rashmi.

Tentatively the wedding is scheduled to take place on May 9th, 2007.

Click here to send me an email and I'll fill you in on all the juicy details :-)

26 March 2007

Jayant Saran - The Pre-Father/Husband Years

Saran doing the two things he used to love best: Sleeping and Smoking!
Posted by Picasa

Sud, Kaddu, Waa, Toad - All Grown Up

From L to R: Amit "Sud" Sud; Chetan "Kaddu" Kandhari; Kunal "Waa" Sharma; Karan "Toad" Mehta

Stay away ladies, these boys mean business!
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Karan "टोड" Mehta - The Bodybuilding Years

Toad, in all his bodybuilding glory on Muscle Beach in Venice, CA.

Poor chap, security wouldn't let him on his flight back to New York - "I'm sorry sir, you'll have to leave those guns at home!"
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Shubho Ghosh - The Current Playa Years

From Top to Bottom: Shubho's 2004 Porsche Boxter with Personalized License Plates; Shubho with Sarah Michelle Gellar

Last I heard, Shubho had become some hotshot Analyst at Lehman Brothers, while living in a massive (1200 sq. ft.) two-bed/two bath apartment on the Upper West Side, one block from Central Park.

I wonder what happened to Sarah Michelle Gellar's career post The Grudge?
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Nisheeth Ranjan - The Early Years

From L to R: Nisheeth Ranjan; Unkown Female Admirer

Of course, since then, Nisheeth has gone to cash in his very early pre-IPO Netscape options, go to Stanford, buy a BMW 330i Convertible, and become part of another start-up, while residing in a very posh condo in Palo Alto, CA.

Wonder what became of the Unknown Female Admirer?
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AD and Ishaan Seth - The Early Years

From L to R: AD; basu!; Ishaan Seth

Last I heard AD was headmaster of Scindia. Wonder what became of him?

Last I heard Ishaan's sister was married to Vivek Pandit (K-1990?) and Ishaan himself was some big shot at McKinsey. Wonder what happened to him?
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Atul Sabharwal - The Early Years

Atul Sabharwal circa 1994 - and yes, he looks exactly the same!
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Ritesh Bhavnani - The Early Years

From L to R: Unkown Person; Ritesh Bhavnani; Kedar Mehta

Hey Guys,

Found this on Ritesh Bhavnani's Shick Shack profile...couldn't resist!
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25 March 2007

बोंद एंड वैशी Fundraiser Update

Here is another update from Kunal:

"I now have 30 guys who have confirmed that they will be contributing. So we
currently stand at 1.5 lakhs. That's pretty impressive!

Over the past 4-5 days I have emailed all 30 of these guys to confirm that
they are on the list of contributors.

We still have to work out the details of how the money is to be collected
and handed over to Bond and Vaishi's wife. I will send out an email
regarding this in the next couple of days and then we can get things moving
on that front.

Send me a mail if you would like to contribute (Rs. 5,000) and haven't
contacted me as yet.


PS. Kunal's Email: kunal473@hotmail.com

22 March 2007

Bond and Vaishi Fundraiser

First Order of Business: Bond and Vaishi Fundraiser

Thanks to out intrepid Kunal "Waa" Sharma, we are raising fair amount of money for Bond and Vaishi's widow.

Want more details?

Contact Kunal directly: kunal473@hotmail.com

Well done Waa!